laupäev, 18. veebruar 2017

How To Beat Your Stubborn Cravings

Why is it that a person with good weight loss intentions never actually gets to their target weight? Well, there are many reasons for that but one of the biggest reasons I believe is due to cravings and people's failure to control them! I don't believe that it is possible to completely get rid of them, but through practical methods, you can certainly control your cravings and put yourself on the right track to getting to your ideal body weight.

If cravings included foods like fresh fruit, no one would ever be overweight, but unfortunately, that is simply not the case! In fact, most cravings include the sweetest of the sweet and contain a whole lot of unnecessary calories that your body simply just doesn't need. And as I'm sure you know that cravings often lead to binge eating!

Here are a couple of tips that will help you control your cravings:

1. Stop denying yourself. You don't have to completely cut out your favourite foods, rather try have less of them! If you are going to indulge in your cravings rather increase the amount of healthy food you eat in order to balance your diet.

2. Eat healthy first. Sometimes you're just hungry and given the choice you are naturally going to eat your favourite types of food. Plus if you fill yourself up first on healthier alternatives, you will find that it is easier to avoid the unhealthy snacks.

3. Avoid your cravings altogether. If you don't have your favourite sugary snack around you are less likely to be reminded of how good it tastes.

4. Change your picture. When cravings hit, remind yourself of what your ideal body image looks like and then decide which you want more, your perfect body or your favourite foods?

5. Move your attention. Distract yourself by listening to some music, reading or even calling a friend. But if you really want burn fat fast, try some exercise every time a craving hits!

6. Get lots of sleep and exercise. These 2 activities will help control certain types of hormones in your body, which regulates appetite. Lack of either can lead to binge eating, talk about motivation!

7. Try the healthy alternative. Always keep healthy alternatives with you so that when all else fails you have a healthy snack to munch on instead of a sugary snack.

Some of these strategies will work for you and some of them won't! All it takes is one good strategy to overcome your cravings, so use the one that works best for you and throw the rest away. If you want to get to the ideal weight then it is important to control your cravings, not the other way around!

Justin has been a part of the weight loss industry for a number of years, first as a consumer and now as a teacher. In his own words, he says, "I used to be overweight until people started making rude comments and that is when decided that enough is enough, and lost the weight for good!" He has been at his goal weight for the last 10 years and has never looked back!
You can visit his blog at

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