laupäev, 25. veebruar 2017

Goal Setting to Push Your Fitness Limits

My name is Chris and I want people to break through their walls and push the limits by which they live.
I'm here today to tell you that there is a very easy way to get what you want in any aspect of your life.

Goal Setting
I know this works because I have done it, I'm still doing it.
Going back 7 years or so, just after the birth of my first son I was putting on weight. (not in a good way)

I was not exercising and I was eating. I was becoming more and more unfit as time went on.
My excuses ranged from, I have no time because of the baby and work and commuting. Basically everything in life was a barrier.

So here I am at 15.5 stone. One word fits all here (Moobs)
Suffice it to say I looked 15.5 stone here.
More importantly I felt it.

I was tired all the time, out of breath quickly if I had to exert myself at any point.
And I knew this was the worst example I could set my son.

So one day I looked at my self in the mirror and imagined how I used to look when I worked out and decided it was time to be there again and set an example for my son to follow.

How... I set a goal.
I saw an advert on the TV for a work out programme that would help me get back in shape and do it quickly. I purchased it because I knew that if I spent the money I would use it. (Because I'm tight ha ha)

My Goal: Lose 2 stone in 60 days.
So I did it. The programme was a 60 day workout programme with a meal plan and set of workout DVD's.

I committed to getting up at 5 am every day and smashing out one of the craziest workout's I had ever done. As specially inside the house.
I weighed myself only 30 days and could not believe what I saw.
Here it is 13 stone (No Moobs)
I felt great and had so much energy.

It was all made possible because I set a goal and followed it through.
You need to find out what your Motivation is, set a Goal and Commit.
I not only achieved my goal but I did it in half the time.

1. Find Your Motivation, why do you want to change, in order to change you need to know what drives you. For me it was setting a good example for my kids and improving what I was capable of. Write your motivation down.

2. Set Your Goal, it really is that simple. What do you want and when do you want it. Write your goal down

3. Go and Get it, you have to commit. Once you are in a routine and forming good habits it gets easier to do the work every day.

My advice is that you look at your motivation and your goal every day (that's why you write it down). Keep it fresh in your head. Why do you want to change and What do you want.
The workout programme I used was Insanity, most people by now know what this workout programme is and know the man who created it, Shaun T.

However the proof is in the pudding and I don't look back.
I still do a 60 day round of Insanity from time to time to test my limits, but since completing Insanity I also workout in other ways on a regular basis and it is all due to the good habits formed when I went through this programme.

Insanity is not expensive and is a change for life. I would recommend it to anyone at all who needs to set a fitness goal and achieve it quickly and at a fraction of the cost of an annual gym membership.
To sum it all up goal setting is the best way to achieve what you want. Not just in fitness but any aspect of your life.

Motivation, something has to drive the change. What is your why. Find that why.
Goal, what do you want and when do you want it. Put your goal up somewhere. Look at it every day, remind yourself of what you want.
Commit, plan how you will get what you want and do it. commit, it will get hard, you will have a hill to climb. I promise you though that if remind your self why you want it and what you want every day you will get it. In any aspect of life.

Get what you want.

Live a No Limits Life.

If you are interested in purchasing Insanity and setting your fitness goals now then click below and take a look. The programme offers a 60 day money back guarantee so it is literally risk free.
If you are interested in pushing your limits in life please visit our site.

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10 Most Fabulous Health Benefits of Pomegranates

What Are Pomegranates?

Just in case you're hearing about pomegranates for the first time: Pomegranates are the orange-sized fruits with a firm ruby-red outer skin and sweet arils - a red gelatinous flesh containing lots of seeds. Despite the many beliefs, the pomegranate seeds are edible and absolutely healthy. In fact, each part of pomegranate has health benefits - even the skin is used in dietary supplements as it's an excellent source of the polyphenols, including prodelphinidins, catechins, and condensed tannins.
The History of Pomegranates

Originally grown as decorations, pomegranates are native to a region from modern Iran to the northern part of India and have been cultivated throughout the South Asia, Middle East, and Mediterranean region for thousands of years. Pomegranates are mentioned in the Book of Exodus, Babylonian texts, and the Homeric Hymns, and are believed to have been found in the Garden of Eden.

Pomegranates were known in early Bronze Age and a dry pomegranate was found in the tomb of Thoth, one of the Ancient Egyptian deities, making us think that pomegranates were more popular during the ancient times than they are now.

The ancient Spanish city of Granada was renamed after pomegranate during the Moorish period but despite all the efforts to introduce the fruit to the different countries, including England, pomegranate kept staying a hidden gem that nobody noticed.

Nowadays, Greek and Turkish cultures see the pomegranate seeds as symbols of prosperity and good fortune, and other cultures are still trying to discover this miracle fruit.
Pomegranate Nutrition Facts

Pomegranates belong to a superfood category, which means they are plentiful in nutrients that can protect every aspect of your health.They're fortified with protein, fiber, omega-6 fatty acids, copper, calcium, selenium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins C, K, B6 and E. Pomegranates are also a small source of riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, folate, and choline. Flavonoids found in both pomegranate fruit and its outer skin contribute to a better whole body health.

Pomegranates are low in sodium, saturated fat, and cholesterol as well as have a relatively low glycemic index, which means they don't cause a significant spike in blood sugar. 100 grams of fresh pomegranate contains:

• 83 calories
• 13.7g of sugar
• 4.0g of dietary fiber (16% of recommended daily intake)
• 18.7g of carbs (6% of RDI)
• 1.7g of protein (3% of RDI)
• 10.2mg of vitamin C (17% of RDI)
• 0.6mg of vitamin E (3% of RDI)
• 16.4mcg of vitamin K (21% of RDI)
• 0.1mg of vitamin B6 (4% of RDI)
• 0.1mg of thiamin (4% of RDI)
• 38.0mcg of folate (10% of RDI)
• 7.6mg of choline
• 0.1mg of riboflavin (3% of RDI)
• 236mg of potassium (7% of RDI)
• 10mg of calcium (1% of RDI)
• 12mg of magnesium (3% of RDI)
• 0.4mg of zinc (2% of RDI)
• 36mg of phosphorus (4% of RDI)
• 0.1mg of manganese (6% of RDI)
• 0.3mg of iron (2% of RDI)
• 0.2mg of copper (8% of RDI)

10 Best Health Benefits of Pomegranates

The science never stays still and it keeps exploring new superfoods day by day. Luckily, many researchers around the world have paid attention to pomegranates and what they have already found surprised even them. It turns out, pomegranates can promote not only better health, but also a longer life. Pomegranate juice, in particular, has been proven to control blood sugar, improve heart health and fight overall body inflammation. Have a look at the 10 best health benefits of pomegranates researchers have found:

1. Promote heart and artery health

A large number of studies and experiments have been conducted to explore the heart-healthy benefits of pomegranates. A study done by the Rambam Medical Center, in Israel showed that drinking a pomegranate juice regularly helps to reduce the amount of plaque, lower high blood pressure and prevent inflammation and oxidation. The study was conducted with 10 patients who had been drinking a pomegranate juice for 1 and 3 years.

Another study done by the National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, in Iran, that involved 22 diabetic patients, found that a fresh pomegranate juice can help to reduce the cholesterol level. The patients had been drinking the juice for 8 weeks.

In another study 13 men aged 39-68 who suffered from high blood pressure drank 5 ounces of pomegranate juice and after 6 hours, their overall high blood pressure was decreased by 7%. Plus, the experiment showed that pomegranate juice consumption improves artery function.
The researchers from the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in California conducted a big study that involved the patients with ischemic coronary heart disease. The patients were given 8 ounces of pomegranate juice a day for 3 months. As a result, the blood flow was improved and the blood pressure was decreased. The conclusion is, regular pomegranate juice consumption may better stress-induced myocardial ischemia in people who suffer from heart disease.

2. Fight chronic inflammation

Pomegranates have been shown to decrease inflammatory activity in colon cancer and breast cancer cells - that's all thanks to the punicalagins found in the fruit. Pomegranate juice can also help to prevent and treat chronic inflammation, which mostly leads to serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer.

3. Protect the skin against killer sun-induced damage

Pomegranates boast the powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote the skin health as well. A study done by the University of Wisconsin, Madison, found that pomegranate fruit can help to protect your skin against harmful sun-induced damage and keep it younger longer due to its anti-aging properties.

4. Lower the arthritis risk

There are many various types of arthritis, but most of them have one thing in common - they cause a serious inflammation in the joints that lead to unbearable pain and a number of other dangerous health issues. As I mentioned above, pomegranates have excellent anti-inflammatory properties thus eating them regularly may help treat arthritis and relieve joint pain.

The two researches also showed that pomegranates' anti-inflammatory properties can also be beneficial to people with osteoarthritis.

5. Reduce the prostate and breast cancer risks

The two most common cancer types that are highly dangerous to men and women. Pomegranates have been proven to contain the compounds that slow down the cancer cell reproduction and even stimulate apoptosis in cancer cells. A 2013 study conducted by the Duke University Medical Center, in Durham,found that giving men who suffered from prostate pomegranate extract tablets before surgery that involved a removal of cancerous tissue from the prostate can reduce the amount of tissue that must be removed. While these are not the end results and more studies are going to be conducted, men can certainly benefit from consuming pomegranates.

A number of other studies, and found that pomegranate extract restrains the breast cancer cell reproduction and may kill some of them. Although more experiments are needed in this field, we can confidently say that incorporating pomegranates is worth the candle.

6. Boost brain health

Pomegranates are high in the polyphenols, which have potent brain-boosting properties. A team of international researchers from the University of Huddersfield found that pomegranate contains a natural polyphenol compound that can prevent inflammation in certain brain cells, thus help to slow down or prevent Alzheimer's development.

Another research involved elderly people with memory complaints, including age-associated ones. They were asked to drink pomegranate juice for 4 weeks. After those 4 weeks, they showed the significantly improved markers of visual and verbal memory.

7. Combat fungal and bacterial infectious

Pomegranates have anti-microbial activities that have been reported to kill fungal and bacterial infectious and antifungal properties ( ), making it one of the most effective fruits to consume when trying to fight the harmful body bacteria. Regular pomegranate consumption can also prevent conditions such as denture stomatitis, periodontitis, and gingivitis.

8. Help women giving birth

A study conducted by the researchers from the Heidelberg University in Germany revealed that pomegranates contain special substances that strengthen the muscles in the reproductive system,helping pregnant women in labor.

Another research from the University of Liverpool found the same benefit of pomegranates, which make them one of the healthiest foods pregnant women should be consuming more.

9. Promote the liver health and fight Hepatitis C Chinese researchers revealed that flavonoids and polyphenols, the powerful antioxidant components found in pomegranates, help to protect the liver from damage.

Another study shows that regular pomegranate consumption can significantly reduce the risk of developing Hepatitis C, which leads to a serious damage to the liver, brain, kidneys, bones, joints, blood vessels, and pancreas.

9. Boost sexual health

Pomegranates have been considered as a natural aphrodisiac and often associated with abundance and fertility for many centuries. Of course, the researchers couldn't miss this fact and have already conducted a host of experiments that show that pomegranate consumption promotes sexual health.
The research done by the Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh that involved 58 individuals aged 21 to 64 showed that pomegranate juice has "Viagra" effect, raising the testosterone levels in both women and men.

Another study found that pomegranate juice have positive effects on erectile dysfunction, making it a must-eat fruit for men.

10. Interesting Facts about Pomegranates

Pomegranates boast a rich history and many hidden secrets that humans have no idea of, but thanks to researchers, today we can learn more about these fruits of the Bible. I've collected some of the most interesting facts about pomegranates that you probably didn't know about:

• The word "pomegranate" derives from the Latin words "pomum" (apple) and "granatus" (seeded), translated like an apple with many seeds.
• Pomegranates are in season from September to December (and February in the Northern Hemisphere), with November being the National Pomegranate Month.
• Pomegranate trees grow for more than 200 years.
• Despite being a fruit, pomegranate belongs to the berry family.
• The Pomegranate Festival is annually held in Azerbaijan in October, with tons of pomegranate meals and desserts, and festive music.
• Breaking pomegranates on the ground on New Year's Eve and at weddings is a big tradition in Greece.
• Although the number of seeds in pomegranates varies, an average pomegranate contains from 203 to 613 seeds, depending on the type of the fruit.
• Lots of scholars consider pomegranate a fruit that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,rather than an apple like most of us believe.
• In Greece, a pomegranate placed near or under the ikonostasi of the house is considered a housewarming gift, as it symbolizes luck, abundance, and fertility.
The Possible Side Effects of Pomegranates
Unless you take pomegranate supplements, fresh pomegranate seeds are rather safe to eat and there are few cases when a person experiences certain side effects. The evidences of the possible side effects of pomegranates are:
• Some people experience sensitivity to pomegranate juice and seeds, including swelling,itching, difficulty breathing, or/and runny nose.
• The root of pomegranate contains a large amount of poison and must never be eaten, otherwise, it can lead to death.
• Pregnant and breastfeeding women must be extra careful while including pomegranate in their meal plans.
• Since pomegranate juice has the ability to reduce the blood pressure level, people suffering from low blood pressure should limit their pomegranate consumption.
• People suffering from plant allergies are more likely to develop an allergic reaction to pomegranates.
• Pomegranates shouldn't be eaten at least 2 weeks before and after surgery due to their abilities to reduce blood pressure.

When incorporating pomegranate into your diet plan, remember about moderation and consult your doctor before taking any pomegranate supplements in order to avoid any possible side effects.
Are Pomegranate Supplements Recommended?

When you have no opportunity to buy fresh pomegranates, the pomegranate supplements may come in handy. Like any other type of supplements, pomegranate supplements do have the side effects, which is why it's critical to consult your doctor first. Pomegranate supplements are available in most health food stores as loose powder, capsules, and pills.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women shouldn't take the supplements that contain pomegranate extract. If you take any blood-thinning medicines, blood pressure medications, and medications that reduce cholesterol, you shouldn't take the pomegranate supplements, no matter how "organic" they are.
When taken correctly, pomegranate supplements can help to improve your heart health, reduce your cancer risk, fight inflammation, and increase your energy levels.

2 Super Healthy and Simple Pomegranate Recipes

There are many ways to consume pomegranates, but if you're looking for something quick, easy and healthy, give these 2 recipes a try. You won't regret you did.
Festive Pomegranate Quinoa Salad
1/3 cup pomegranate seeds
1 cup sprouted quinoa
2 cups water
1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 cucumber, chopped
½ red onion, finely chopped
1 avocado, chopped
2 cups baby spinach, chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 lemon, juiced
light herbed feta, optional
salt and pepper to taste

Add the quinoa and water to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer until the liquid is absorbed and quinoa is tender. Let it cool.

In a large bowl, combine the spinach, cucumber, avocado, onion, red bell pepper and pomegranate seeds. Add the quinoa and feta and fold to mix. Add the olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Stir well and serve.


Super Tasty Pomegranate-Packed Parfait

1 cup plain plant or Greek yogurt
4 cinnamon graham cracker, crumbled
½ cup sweetened almond milk
1 cup pomegranate seeds

Place the half graham cracker crumbs in a glass jar.
In a small bowl, whisk the milk and yogurt and add to the jar. Layer another half graham cracker crumbs and top with the pomegranate seeds. You can also add nuts and oats, if you're making the parfait for breakfast.
Pomegranates are unfairly underappreciated these days, yet more and more studies have already been conducted to let people know about this amazing super fruit. Although pomegranates are available all year round, I recommend consuming them during the winter season when they're a lot tastier, therefore, healthier. Feel free to share your favorite pomegranate recipes with us in the comments section.
Our purpose is to reach out to as many people as possible. We want to spread happiness, useful information, health benefits, tips, product reviews. Anything that can help remind our visitors to appreciate the little things. We are willing to do all even if it means investing a lot of our own time and money.
This generation and our world today is filled with tremendous opportunities. However, I am sure both you and I have encountered people who just don't seem to appreciate anything regardless of how much they have.
On the other hand, I am sure we have also seen people who are a handicap or who seem to have nothing much going on in their life in a big exciting way, yet these people are so much happier.
This is the reason why we do what we do. To remind people to appreciate the little things. Find out more about what we do here:

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How Caffeine Can Help You Control Pain

Obviously, it's not necessary to know how caffeine works to be able to use it. It can be helpful in boosting pain relief from other pain-relievers or by itself. It's especially good for muscle pain relief - great news if you work out hard.

Scientists speculate that caffeine's pain-relieving power comes from 3 mechanisms:

• It blocks release of adenosine. Adenosine is a brain chemical that carries pain signals to the brain.
• It activates adrenalin pathways in the brain. Those pathways include the body's own pain-killing mechanism.
• It stimulates the central nervous system in a way that changes the processing of pain signals.
Of the 3, I like the first one best. The second 2 don't actually explain clearly (at least to me), but the first does. Here's why.

Adenosine prevents the release of 2 brain chemicals - norepinephrine and dopamine - presumably so the amounts available at a given time are kept within control.

When we consume caffeine, the caffeine blocks adenosine. It occupies the adenosine receptors and prevents adenosine from "getting in." As a result, dopamine and norepinephrine are released in larger amounts. That's why coffee or tea makes us feel alert.

But norepinephrine also has analgesic power, so it offers a bonus - it wakes us up and helps to relieve pain.

Norepinephrine is made when we eat protein foods: fish, eggs, chicken, beef, lamb, pork, turkey, shrimp, crab, yogurt (with 18-22 g of protein per serving).

For non-animal protein, use high-quality vegan protein powders from peas, hemp or other vegetable sources. (I like kale, but it doesn't provide much protein.)
The take-away?

Be sure to eat protein foods regularly, so your norepinephrine stores are adequate when you want to release them by consuming caffeine.

For additional tips like these - or for help with health issues - just visit and request your free Eating Empowerment Consult. Find out how easy it can be to get your nutrition and your health back on track.

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Eat Your Way to Great Health With Good Carbs

The facts about carbohydrates (carb) and overall health are still being researched. New science-based facts are being are being found every day. A recent study comparing high protein to high carbohydrates shows that a carb diet is sometimes better than a high protein diet.

Getting rid of those unwanted pounds and having a healthier life is not about proteins or carbs. The real difference for having a healthier life is about eating good carbs and avoiding bad carbs. We are what we eat!

Studies show that some carbs are destructive to good health while some are extremely good for your health. Without going through all the does and don'ts of this conundrum can be summed up by composing your diet with real food and avoiding bad carbs.

Good carbs are those that appear the same as they did when they were harvested. Whole oranges are better than orange juice etcetera. The more thee carbs are processed the less healthy they are for consumption. Bad carbs have been altered in their processing by removing fiber and nutrients followed by adding salt, sugar, calories and fat. Potatoes are a great food source but potato chips and French fries are not. We need to eat natural foods like strawberries, oats, brown rice and whole grain products. Fresh tomatoes and herbs are fine but avoid canned sauces.

Consume good carbs that are beneficial to your health such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains like barley, oats, brown rice, quinoa and starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, and yams as well as the family of legumes like black beans, peas, and pinto beans. Avoid eating foods like full-fat dairy products - butter and cheeses and processed products that are full of fat, salt or sugar. It is best to eat a high fiber diet which helps lower blood sugar and insulin levels as well as LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).

A proper diet of good carbs can lead to good health and a great body. With a proper diet, research has found that good health can be restored in a very short period of time. Emphasize eating good carbs - unrefined whole foods like fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, and beans along with some daily exercise. You will experience extraordinary benefits like lower LDL's, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels and loss of weight. Do not starve yourself, eat the right carbs and eat until you are satisfied.

Stay in touch with to find new and exciting online information

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pühapäev, 19. veebruar 2017

Basmati Rice - Busting the Nutritional Myths

Rice has always been in question whenever there is a discussion of eating healthy. People face dilemma of whether to include rice in their diet or not, especially when they're looking to live healthy and lose weight. Even when it comes to the absolutely delicious Indian Basmati Rice, there is always weighing of pros and cons before you include it to your shopping cart at the supermarket. But the questions still remain. Is rice really fattening? Should you avoid it completely?

Let's look at the issue in detail to decide once and for all whether you should consume Basmati Rice or not as a regular diet. Basically there are numerous schools of thoughts which contradict one another while discussing Basmati Rice nutrition and calories content. One major group believes that the Indian Basmati is full of starch and has very little amount of nutrients to offer, hence they should be avoided especially by those who are looking to eat healthy and lose weight.

Contradicting them are those who believe that basmati is a rich source of carbohydrates and necessary minerals and hence must be consumed regularly. Both of them aren't entirely wrong and neither entirely correct.

The Asian Heritage Argument

This argument mainly challenges those who claim rice is fattening. Basmati Rice is the staple food of many Asian countries who have been consuming it for generations after generations. Even then, they have managed to remain healthy and slim. Hence, it slightly proves that Basmati, in itself, is not entirely fattening.

Eating Rice in the Evening Makes you Fat

There are people who believe that consuming Rice in the evening causes the body to store excess fat. This fat is not burned off due to inactivity during sleep. But the truth is entirely different than that! The weight gain is not entirely due to the Rice you consume but it is an accumulation of all the calories you consume during the day. Rice Calories do add to that total but does not make the majority of it. If you consume more calories in total than the amount you burn off each day, you will gain weight irrespective of whether you consume Indian Basmati Rice or not.

Bad for Gluten-sensitivity

Another myth about Basmati Rice Nutrition is that it is a source of Gluten which causes health disorders. But the Indian Basmati Rice is inherently gluten-free. So if you're suffering from celiac disease or NCGS (non-celiac gluten sensitivity); you can still consume Basmati without any fear. Rice does not need gluten protein unlike dough to make them stick together. Hence, even if you're gluten-intolerant, Basmati Nutrition will not affect your health in any way.

The Bottom Line

The next time you go to the supermarket to buy Indian Basmati Rice, you can add them in your cart without any regret. If everything else is going great for you like insulin sensitivity, regular activity, absence of metabolic deranging foods like fructose, lectins and excessive linoleic acid etc., then Basmati Rice Nutrition and Calories are not going to affect your health drastically.
In conclusion, we would like to advise you to stop curbing your craving for delicious Indian Basmati Rice delicacies and add it to your diet without any regrets.

Arete is one of the best Indian Basmati Rice brands available globally. We bring India's finest Long Grain rice on thousands of plates daily. Arete brings India's finest Basmati to Germany and other parts of Europe. Experience true Basmati taste with our rice varieties available at your nearest supermarkets.

To buy Arete basmati rice, email us on or you can visit our website

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The Importance of Probiotics to Human Health

Probiotics contribute towards the strength of your immune system and overall health. It can also treat a variety of neurological disorders, mental health issues and digestive issues. Therefore, it is important for every human being to have a clear understanding about these bacteria.

What exactly they are?

They can simply be defined as a type of bacteria that would line your digestive track. In addition, it has the ability to contribute towards your body's natural ability to fight infections and absorb nutrients. From the studies, it has been identified that there are 10 times more probiotics inside your gut than in the body cells.

What are the major types?

Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus can be considered as the most common types of probiotic bacteria that can be found among humans. They can be divided into sub-categories as well. Bifidobacterium inhabit your color whereas lactobacilli live in your intestine. They have the ability to break down the food you consume to facilitate digestion. They can also provide an excellent support to your immune system.

Why they are good for our gut health?

Your digestive track plays a major role behind the overall health. In other words, more than 80% of the immune system of your body is centered on the digestive tract. Therefore, you will not be able to ensure the strength of the immune system without proper health in your digestive tract. The digestive system is being called as the second largest part of the neurological system. It is located in your gut. As a result, your gut can be considered as your second brain.

People who are affected with various health issues such as autism, psoriasis, joint pain, chronic fatigue and thyroid imbalances fail to figure out that the illnesses originate from the gut. If we need to ensure the proper health of gut, we should consume elements that are important for proper digestive health. That's where they come into play. As per the recent statistics of the American National Institute of Kidney, Digestive and Diabetes diseases, it has been identified that over 60 million Americans are suffering from diseases in the digestive system. That's mainly because people in today's world are exposed to a variety of harmful toxins. If we take in probiotics, we will be able to stay away from this hassle and ensure the proper health in the digestive system, which would
eventually contribute towards gut health.

How to take?

If you want to take in more good bacteria, you should consume more sour foods. That's why it would be a good idea to include fermented vegetables and other sour foods such as apple cider vinegar in your meals. On the other hand, there are some bacteria rich food items that you can consume. Different types of Kefir and goat milk yogurt are some perfect examples to prove the above mentioned fact. It is also possible for you to take then in through supplements.
So take care of your gut health and it will take care of you.
By: Lee Martin

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The Hidden Blessings of Forest Honey You May Not Know

No matter who was it that stopped one day to look at a hive of bees and asked what's up inside, but this person surely paved the way for health, taste and delicious wonder for all of us.

Honey is an ancient superfood. Some historians have dated its existence as long back as 150 million years through the fossils discovered. Lore also has it that Egyptian dynasties were the frontrunners of honey in many ways and later on beehives thrived both in temples as well as royal palaces for supplying kings, queens and common people with ointments, concoctions and even beverages like mead perhaps. After all, there must be something inside honey that makes us believe in the Greek Queen bee Aphrodite and that made our forefathers worship bees with utmost passion.

Honey, today is worshipped with the same devotion by health and culinary enthusiasts.

Discovering forest honey

From the plain jar of honey that we were so far used to, It has also evolved into many avatars. Today, we can easily access even forest honey, which is a form of honey that instead of being made from blossom nectar of flowers is collected after plant sucking insects (like aphids) pour out what they collect in the wild. From flowers to trees that range from conifers to deciduous, to even thickets of grass and plants; this can be derived from a multitude of sources.

If you ask botany experts, they would not be much surprised at the power of honey since they know that resins like Propolis which bees collect from plants are responsible for honey's extra-ordinary antibiotic nature and the strong presence of proteins as pollens.
While flower-extract honey has been in prevalence for a long time, not many common folks know that forest honey is also a variety, albeit not as sweet as table honey and certainly quite stronger in flavor.

Count your blessings, honey.

Honey, in the common form too, has been used for both its anti-bacterial and hydroscopic traits so far. Due to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), that is a potent antimicrobial and germ-killer, even cancer cells have been considered as a good battle-ground of honey. There is also the enzyme called glucose oxidase that activates the release of H2O2 when honey comes in contact with a wound or cut, and honey also absorbs water - so that's how it can treat lacerations with ease and speed by killing the bacteria that harm. It does so also by pulling water away from an infection while also putting lymph fluid to the wound for faster, more balanced recovery with effective tissue restoration.

Given its low level of pH between 3 and 4, the acidic characteristic of honey also makes it an enemy of the wrong bacteria. Further, the presence of phytochemicals, carotenoids, phytosterols, phenolics, peptides, some plant chemicals, cytokines etc empowers honey with health-enhancing, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. Its use in the treatment of Arthritis, eye health, cough, cold, cancer and as an autoimmune protection is widely noted. These days, it is also being applied as a prebiotic and as a calcium-absorption-inducer to a great degree.

What matters is how, how much and how well you use it. The more raw, the more unpasteurized and the more organic the honey is, the stronger are its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial powers.
Grocery stores that sell commercial honey may be the quick choices to make but if a provider can ensure that raw honey, that is extracted by spinning the honeycomb in a centrifuge, is extracted with minimal intervention and is warm and pure; then you can be sure that it is indeed a health package. The more someone does something to honey, the more it dilutes its power. Fewer chemicals, less heating, less cooking, fewer machines - that's the right way for honey.

Go for certified organic raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized honey as much as possible. The test is that if the honey is raw, pure, organic, it will crystallize, turn opaque and harden at room temperature.
Try Forest or Herbal honey varieties if you can to combine the powers of two doctors in one bottle.
Nowadays, people are bottling honey after infusing it with many options of herbs. It can be Wild rose, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Elderflower, Lavender, Chamomile, Basil, Ginger, Sage, Star Anise, Rosemary- anything - and you have a new flavor and fragrance topping your and the bees' favourite food.

Just do not overdo it as honey can definitely not be used as an over-excited substitute for sugar. Pick something that is organic, locally-grown, use it in the right quantities and without boiling, store it away from sunlight - and you can be as happy and healthy as a busy bee.

Independent Blogger, Environmentalist, Organic Food Enthusiast, Organic Products Researcher. Through my Blog's I am looking forward to share my knowledge in organic products, gain new knowledge and share a positive vibe to this world.

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